Professional Liability Insurance FAQs

In the current legal climate, law firms face considerable risk from legal malpractice claims. Even if your firm is extremely diligent in your duty and obligations to clients and you enjoy great relationships with clients today, your firm could still face a stressful claim or costly litigation from an unhappy client in the future.

Legal Professional Liability Insurance can help protect your firm and minimize your risk, but many lawyers still have  Professional Liability Insurance FAQs about why it’s needed, what it is and how it works.

Why Is Professional Liability Insurance Needed?

While some law firms may go decades without a problem, others won’t be as lucky. Human errors are easy to make and can be difficult to prevent, and even a small administrative error could lead to costly claim. Yet […]

February 28th, 2020|

Tips for Lateral Moves for Attorneys

Like other members of the legal community, you may one day contemplate a lateral move to a new law firm. Lateral moves are common for attorneys, occurring for several reasons. Some aim to avoid stagnation, while others want to spur professional development or gain new perspective. Yet whatever your reasons, it’s important to plan carefully to minimize the risks to yourself, your clients, your current firm and any future employer.

If you are considering a lateral move, research the process within your own jurisdiction, review all contracts related to your employment with your current firm and have a clear understanding of your client obligations. Due to the sensitive nature of the work, leaving a law firm isn’t as simple as giving notice, so ensure you can thoroughly answer these questions:

Are […]

February 6th, 2020|